Ultima modifica: 2 luglio 2016

Malara N.A. & Navarra G. (2008). An early algebra glossary and its role in teacher education

Malara N.A. & Navarra G. (2008). An early algebra glossary and its role in teacher education. In Czarnocha, B. (Ed.). Handbook of Mathematics Teaching Research: Teaching Experiment – A tool for Teacher-Researchers. University of Rzeszów (PL). 193-207.
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The paper deals with issues related to early algebra in the general framework of social and educational needs, as well as of competences indicated by the PISA test and the new role of the teacher. The main focus is on the theoretical framework of our ArAl Project – an integrated project for teaching research and curricular and methodological innovation in the classroom – through an analysis of its glossary’s structure. An exploration of the linked universes of arithmetic and algebra and a method to carry out this exploration are proposed to teachers. The aim is to help teachers merge theory and practice, guiding them, through a reflection on their own knowledge, towards a conception of mathematics as a language, on the way of an approach to arithmetic thinking in an algebraic view. Finally, the paper proposes the use of the glossary in the teaching activity, as a cultural support for students as well as for teachers.