Ultima modifica: 2 luglio 2016

Navarra G., Giacomin A. (2005). The achievement of the equivalence of representations of the distributive law with young pupils.

Navarra G., Giacomin A. (2005). The achievement of the equivalence of representations of the distributive law with young pupils. In Proc. SEMT. Praha. Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Pedagogickà fakulta. 235-243.
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The paper illustrates some aspects of a study about the distributive law carried out with 8-11 aged pupils within the theoretical framework of early algebra. Our hypothesis is that a path leading to understanding the law should start from an analysis of the ways in which perception leads to different mental images that influence the choice of either the (a+b)×c or the (a×c)+(b×c) representation. Understanding these dynamics is a fundamental step for both constructing a meaningful approach to the law and favouring its gradual conceptualisation.