Ultima modifica: 3 agosto 2016

Malara N., Navarra G. (1998). The role of the teacher in promoting interaction among pupils and metacognition through problem solving abilities

Malara N., Navarra G. (1998). The role of the teacher in promoting interaction among pupils and metacognition through problem solving abilities. Proc. CIEAEM 49, Sétubal. 203-211.
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We present the partial results of a research, carried out with primary school teachers and a group of 80 pupils aged 8-10, aimed at modifying deeply the activity of problem solving. The pupils were asked to help an imaginary classmate having difficulties in solving verbal problems. We worked with a set of problems lacking of one or two pieces of information. Meaningful samples of the answers were discussed with the pupils in the classroom. All protocols were carefully analysed by the teachers and classified at metacognitive level (quality of the help given to Piera) and cognitive (way of solution). The activity gradually produced in the teachers a new awareness of the roles of problem solving in didactic and of their own specific role towards it.