Ultima modifica: 15 agosto 2016

Malara, N.A., Navarra, G. (2016), Principles and tools for teachers’ education and the assessment of their professional growth

Malara, N.A., Navarra, G. (2016), Principles and tools for teachers’ education and the assessment of their professional growth, in Krainer, K., Vondrova, N. (eds) proceedings of Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9, 4-8 February 2015) (pp. 2854-2860). Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education and ERME.
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We describe here the training model, developed within the ArAl project and characterized by the tight interrelation between contents to be taught (didactics of arithmetic and algebra in the perspective of early algebra) and teacher-educational processes, meant for teachers of the K-8 levels. We show how teachers, tutors and maths educators, by reflecting onto the Multi-commented Transcriptions (MTs), attain a shared development of the theoretical frame, of the methodologies and of the teaching materials that shall create the basis for the teachers’ professional evolution. Finally, we tackle the question of how to assess teachers’ professional growth by showing that MTs contain precious evaluation indicators.