Ultima modifica: 25 settembre 2016

Crossed Critical Reflections as a Way of Promoting Teachers’ Awareness and Improving Their Professional Development

Malara, N.A. (2008). Crossed Critical Reflections as a Way of Promoting Teachers’ Awareness and Improving Their Professional Development.
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The report concerns an invited contribution at the WG2 ‘The professional formation of teachers’ at the International Symposium held in Rome on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of ICMI. In the report we sketch the research studied focused on the teachers’ critical reflection of constructive classroom processes as key way to promote their professional development. In this frame we present our complex methodology of work with/for teachers involved in ArAl Project experimentations through which the teachers are guided to analyze their role in managing a mathematical discussion and to understand both students’ potentialities and limits of their actions. Referring to other studies of ours we stress that in the time the teachers can develop a more subtle sensitiveness in grasping the students points of views and a more flexibility in facing contingent actions.