Ultima modifica: 2 luglio 2016

Malara N.A., Navarra, G.. (2012). Multicommented transcripts methodology as an educational tool for teachers involved in Early algebra

Malara, N.A., Navarra G.. (2011). Multicommented transcripts methodology as an educational tool for teachers involved in early algebra.
In Pytlak, M., Swoboda, E. (eds.) CERME 7 Proceedings. University of Rzezsow, Poland.
2737-45, ISBN 978-83-7338-683-9.
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This paper presents results regarding the Multicommented Transcripts Methodology (MTM) we have enacted to promote in teachers of primary school and secondary school awareness of their own ways of being in the class and to guide them in managing mathematical discussions. After a brief overview of the theoretical framework and the methodological structure of MTM, two multicommented classroom-based episodes are proposed, with the aim of highlighting the MTM educational potentialities. Some final remarks concerning the formative, cultural, educational and methodological principles of MTM are made.