Ultima modifica: 8 luglio 2016

Navarra G. (1999). Explorative itineraries in the pop-up geometry

Navarra G. (1999). Explorative itineraries in the pop-up geometry. Proc. of SEMT 99. Praha. Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Pedagogickà fakulta. 96-99.
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We describe an experimental activity on the use of pop-up paper engineering as an instrument for promoting a dynamic switching from plan geometry to space geometry and vice versa. The pupils learn to represent on the plan the cuts and the folds which enable them to obtain pop-up solids. To do it, they learn to imagine threedimensionally the objects before realizing them. The age of the pupils and the aims of the teachers lead
to favour expressive or mathematical aspects. The realization of a book represents the goal for the activity. This paper is linked to an exhibition containing detailed experimental itineraries and examples of pop-up books planned and made by children.