Ultima modifica: 8 luglio 2016

Navarra G. (1997). On some aspects of the assessment of pupils involved in the solution of non standard metacognitive word problems.

Navarra G. (1997). On some aspects of the assessment of pupils involved in the solution of non standard metacognitive word problems. In Milan H., Novotna J. (Eds.), Proc. of SEMT 97. Prague. Prometeus Publishing House. 116-118.
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The paper presents the first results of a research carried out with 80 pupils aged 8 to 10 who were requested to help a hypothetical classmate having difficulties in solving some word problems where one or two pieces of information were missing. The about 370 responses were evaluated both from the metacognitive point of view (the quality of help) and from the cognitive one (the form of the solution of the problems) and allowed to organize a
system of formative assessment structured in nine voices useful for teachers evaluating pupils involved in non-routine word problems.