Ultima modifica: 23 gennaio 2018

Malara, N.A., Navarra, G. (2017), Integrating teachers institutional and informal mathematics education: the case of ‘Project ArAl’ group in Facebook

Malara, N.A., Navarra, G. (2017), Integrating teachers institutional and informal mathematics education: the case of ‘Project ArAl’ group in Facebook, in Dooley, T., Gueudet, G.. (a cura di), Proceedings of tenth Congress of European Mathematical Society CERME 10 (pp. 2940-2947) Dublino, Irlanda: DCU Institute of Education and ERME.
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After a sketch of our ArAl project devoted to teaching/learning early algebra, we introduce our
‘Progetto ArAl’ group in Facebook, conceived not only to share and discuss among teachers
didactical experiences, theoretical questions and materials but, more in general, to educate in
informal way teachers in early algebra. For its features it can be said a non standard group (NSG)
in Fb. The main question we put ourselves is: may a NSG become a community of practice? To find
an answer to this question we compared our group with a larger Italian group devoted to
mathematics at primary school analyzing the interactions in the two groups launched by some
common members. On the base of this comparison we delineate some hypotheses for the
management of a NSG as a community of practice, where well known mentors and transparent
theoretical guidelines allow the teachers consciously to approach the theory for the practice.