Ultima modifica: 15 maggio 2018


12 luglio 16

English publications by Giancarlo Navarra (2018-2010)

Malara, N.A., Navarra, G. (2018), New words and concepts for early algebra teaching: sharing with teachers epistemological issues in early algebra to develop students’ early algebra thinking, in Kieran C. (a cura di), Teaching and Learning Algebraic Thinking with 5-to 12-Year-Olds, The Global Evolution of an Emerging Field of Research and Practice.  Springer, 51-78. ISBN    »

10 luglio 16

Pubblicazioni in italiano di Giancarlo Navarra (2009-2000)

English publications by Giancarlo Navarra (2009-2000) Navarra G. (2009). Early algebra: un approccio relazionale all’aritmetica per promuovere una concezione linguistica dell’algebra.In P. Baratter e S. Dallabrida (a cura di). In Atti del Convegno GISCEL: Lingua e grammatica, Teoria e prospettive didattiche. Trento. 133-154. Navarra G. (2009). Quaderno ArAl 7 (coordinamento). Mura F., Sini S. (A    »

10 luglio 16

Pubblicazioni in italiano di Giancarlo Navarra (2019-2010)

  English publications by Giancarlo Navarra (2019-2010) Navarra G.. (2019). Unità 14: Scatole & Biglie. Confronto tra collezioni per promuovere il pensiero relazionale. Sintab Edizioni, Sulmona (AQ). Navarra G.. (2019). Il progetto ArAl per un approccio relazionale all’insegnamento nell’area aritmetico-algebrica. Didattica della matematica. Dalla ricerca alle pratiche d’aula, 5, 70-94. DOI: 10.33683/ddm.18.5.3 Navarra G.. (2018). The early    »

8 luglio 16

Navarra G., De Cian S. (1994). De los frisos gràficos a los frisos musicales.

Navarra G., De Cian S. (1994). De los frisos gràficos a los frisos musicales. 1 Uno Revista de Didàctica de las Matemàticas. 2, octubre. 43-56. Download pdf El articulo contiene elementos de reflexion sobre algunos itinerario desarrollados y està estructurado in forma de diario razonado de la actividad desarrollada en clase. En la primera parte,    »

8 luglio 16

Navarra G. (1995). On the interpretative difficulties of texts of standard problems: some aspects of an experimental research with children 10 years old

Navarra G. (1995). On the interpretative difficulties of texts of standard problems: some aspects of an experimental research with children 10 years old. In Proc of SEMT. Prague. 106-109 Download pdf This paper presents some aspects of a research in progress, led with a group of teachers of different primary schools, with the aim of    »

8 luglio 16

Navarra G. (1997). On some aspects of the assessment of pupils involved in the solution of non standard metacognitive word problems.

Navarra G. (1997). On some aspects of the assessment of pupils involved in the solution of non standard metacognitive word problems. In Milan H., Novotna J. (Eds.), Proc. of SEMT 97. Prague. Prometeus Publishing House. 116-118. Download pdf The paper presents the first results of a research carried out with 80 pupils aged 8 to    »

8 luglio 16

Navarra G. (1999). Explorative itineraries in the pop-up geometry

Navarra G. (1999). Explorative itineraries in the pop-up geometry. Proc. of SEMT 99. Praha. Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Pedagogickà fakulta. 96-99. Download pdf We describe an experimental activity on the use of pop-up paper engineering as an instrument for promoting a dynamic switching from plan geometry to space geometry and vice versa. The pupils learn    »

8 luglio 16

Navarra G. (1998). Itineraries through Logics for potentiating linguistic and argumentative skills

Navarra G. (1998). Itineraries through Logics for potentiating linguistic and argumentative skills. In Steinbring H, Bartolini Bussi M., Sierpinska A. (Eds.). WG7 “Language and Communications in the Classroom”. ICME 7. Reston, Virginia. National Council of teachers of mathematics. 17-23. 303-316. Download pdf One of the main problems which has to be faced daily by teachers    »

8 luglio 16

Malara N, Navarra G. (2000). Explorative ways to encourage algebraic thinking through problems

Malara N, Navarra G. (2000). Explorative ways to encourage algebraic thinking through problems. Proc. Of 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education, Nicosia. 55-64. Anche versione italiana in L’Educazione Matematica, anno XXVI, serie VI, n.1, vol.2, 7-21. Download pdf We present some results on a research in progress realized in various classes at the end of    »

8 luglio 16

Malara N.A., Navarra G. (2001). Promoting an early approach to the algebraic thought, in primary and middle school

Malara N.A., Navarra G. (2001). Promoting an early approach to the algebraic thought, in primary and middle school. In Proc. SEMT ’01. Praha. Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Pedagogickà fakulta. 119-121. Download pdf The work presented is part of the ArAl project – Arithmetic processes to favour the pre-algebraic thought which our research group set up    »