Ultima modifica: 2 ottobre 2016

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2 ottobre 16

Pproof problems in elementary number theory: analysis of trainee teachers productions

Cusi, A., Malara, N.A. (2007). Proof problems in elementary number theory: analysis of trainee teachers productions Download pdf Our study involves a group of pre-service middle-school teachers attending educational and training courses at our university. The aim is to classify their behaviour in solving a problem that requires the proof of a statement in elementary    »

2 ottobre 16

Approaching early algebra: Teachers’ educational processes and classroom experiences

Cusi, A., Malara N.A. (2008). Approaching early algebra: Teachers’ educational processes and classroom experiences Download pdf After a short survey of the main steps which lead to the birth of “Early Algebra” as a specific field of studies, we sketch the main features of our theoretical frame and our work to promote algebraic thinking in    »

25 settembre 16

Metodi e strumenti per promuovere negli insegnanti un approccio socio-costruttivo all’insegnamento della matematica

Malara, N.A. (2008). Metodi e strumenti per promuovere negli insegnanti un approccio socio-costruttivo all’insegnamento della matematica, Università e Scuola, anno XII, n. 2, 70-84 scarica pdf In questo lavoro, dopo una introduzione circa il ruolo dell’insegnante nell’insegnamento socio-costruttivo e una sintesi delle indicazioni fornite dalla ricerca al riguardo, si espone la metodologia di lavoro condotta    »

25 settembre 16

Crossed Critical Reflections as a Way of Promoting Teachers’ Awareness and Improving Their Professional Development

Malara, N.A. (2008). Crossed Critical Reflections as a Way of Promoting Teachers’ Awareness and Improving Their Professional Development. download pdf The report concerns an invited contribution at the WG2 ‘The professional formation of teachers’ at the International Symposium held in Rome on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of ICMI. In the report we sketch    »

25 settembre 16

Methods and tools to promote a socio-constructive approach to mathematics teaching in teachers

Malara, N.A. (2008). Methods and tools to promote a socio-constructive approach to mathematics teaching in teachers download pdf This work, after a short introduction on the role of the teacher in socio-constructive teaching and a synthesis of the main directions suggested by research in this field, deals with the methodology used to work with and    »

24 settembre 16

Bragato C. (2013). Tesi di laurea: Una proposta socioculturale per gli insegnanti: il progetto ArAl in una classe quarta di scuola primaria.

Bragato C. (2013). Tesi di laurea: Una proposta socioculturale per gli insegnanti: il progetto ArAl in una classe quarta di scuola primaria. Università degli studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di studi umanistici. Corso di laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria. Sede di Trieste. Scarica pdf Breve profilo di Celeste Bragato Mi sono laureata nel 2013 in    »

23 settembre 16

The Complex Interplay between Theory and Practice: Reflections and Examples

Malara N.A, Zan, R. (2008). The Complex Interplay between Theory and Practice: Reflections and Examples download pdf This chapter addresses the complex issue of the relationship between theory, considered as the corpus of knowledge constituting mathematics education, and practice, seen as the act of teaching. Clearly this analysis is influenced by our model of teaching,    »

23 settembre 16

From a study of teaching practices to issues in teacher education

Santos, L., Berg, C.V., Malara, N.A., Potari D., Tuner, F., 2011, From a study of teaching practices to issues in teacher education download pdf The paper offers a landscape of the studies presented within the WG 17 at CERME 7. They have been classified in these strands: 1. Mathematical content knowledge for teaching; 2. Professional    »

22 settembre 16

The teacher’s role in developing proof activities by means of algebraic language

Cusi, A., Malara, N.a. (2009), The teacher’s role in developing proof activities by means of algebraic language. Dowload pdf In this paper, part of a wider study aimed at a conscious use of the algebraic language in proof activities in elementary number theory (ENT), we analyse the role of the teacher in discussion activities aimed at    »

22 settembre 16

Future teachers facing proof problems: games of interpretation, anticipating thought and coordination between verbal and algebraic register

Cusi, A., Malara, N.A. (2009). Future teachers facing proof problems: games of interpretation, anticipating thought and coordination between verbal and algebraic register download pdf This contribution is part of a wider work, involving pre- and in-service teachers, aimed at making teachers aware of the importance of developing in students an effective symbol sense. In this perspective,    »