Ultima modifica: 15 luglio 2016

teacher education

15 luglio 16 Articolo

Cusi, A., Malara, N.A. (2016). Which algebraic learning can a teacher promote when her teaching does not focus on interpretative processes?

Cusi, A., Malara, N.A. (2016). Which algebraic learning can a teacher promote when her teaching does not focus on interpretative processes? in Krainer, K., Vondrova, N. (eds) Proceedings of Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9, 4-8 February 2015) (pp. 405-411). Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University in Prague, Faculty    »

15 luglio 16 Articolo

English publications by Nicolina A. Malara (2009-2000)

Malara, N.A. (2006). Behaviours of 6th-grade students in front of a problematic situation aimed at approaching the concepts of function and inverse function,   report presented at ICTM3, Istambul, Turchia. Cusi, A., Malara, N.A. (2007). Proof problems in elementary number theory: analysis of trainee teachers productions, in Pitta Pantazi, D. & Philippou, G. (eds)Proceedings of the    »